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7 Day Plan After Reading It's the Awkwardness for Me by Maeve Ronan

Writer's picture: Maeve TedoneMaeve Tedone

It's easy to feel super inspired after reading a book. But then what?

If you don't go back to review what you read and set up next steps, your inspiration will fade away. This guide will help you get the most out of the book It's the Awkwardness for Me. By taking a small action each day to put what you learned into practice, you'll be well on your way to lasting change.

Day 1

You just read the book, amazing. Now go back and read it again. Seriously.

If you have your own copy, grab a highlighter and highlight your favorite lines. If you don't, grab a notebook and write down your favorite quotes.

There's no pressure here. Just go through the book again and mark the parts that really stood out to you.

Day 2

Look over the highlighted quotes and sections you identified yesterday. Choose one that is the most relevant to you right now.

Today you will be making a goal around that topic for this week. Nothing too crazy, just something you will focus on. Think about one small step you could take to get better in that area.

For example, if you chose the "Asking Better Questions" section, your goal could be to ask someone a really intentional question.

Day 3

Today is for prep work. What do you have to do to make your goal happen?

List out the steps you need to take to make it happen. Do you need to re-read the book? Ask a friend to do it with you? Put in place whatever you need to complete your goal.


Today you can put your skills into action. Go for your goal! Just do it! Put into practice what you said you would. It might feel weird or uncomfortable but push through.

After you do, journal about how it went. How did you feel?

Day 5

Time to come up with next steps. You'll be going after your goal again tomorrow. Anything you want to tweak? Improve? Jot it down!

If it went poorly, that's alright. You can always try again. You said you would stick with it for this one week, so stick with it! You can always try a different section of the book next week.

Day 6

Just do it, take two. Try it out again. Go all in. You're here to grow and learn, not to be comfortable. Write about how it went.

Day 7

Write about your experience and share it in the comments. Come up with next steps.

What are your goals for tomorrow and the next week? What section will you try out next? You can repeat this process to put your skills into practice.

1 Comment

Maeve Tedone
Maeve Tedone
Jul 02, 2021

My goal is to Channel Future Me by being confident when I share about It's the Awkardness for Me. What is yours!!? Comment below so we can support each other. 😀

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Now Available!
It's the Confidence for Me

How to Go from Embarrassed and Insecure to Cool and Confident

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